Always guessing the whole square? Have no idea where the mine is? This tutorial is for you!
We start with beginner level and work our way up!
Each block explains one scenario, provides examples, and gives an interactive challenge!
Have fun!
Conquering the 100%s first!
This section contains scenarios that one can solve quickly with 100% accuracy.
Dealing With Corner 1 Blocks
Notice that the middle square of each image is a 1. (Reminder: this means there is 1 and only 1 mine among the 8 squares surrounding it).
The 1 has all of its surrounding blocks revealed except the upper-right one, which must be the mine. Therefore, we marked it with flag

The 1 has all except the left one revealed, so we need to mark it.

Assume the top-right of the 2 is a mine, then there is 1 surrounding mine left and only the bottom right is unrevealed, so it must be a mine.

Dealing With Corner N Blocks
The concept will be the same if there are N unrevealed square surrounding an N number square
All unrevealed squares must be mine(s)!
Due to the simplicity of these kinds of squares, we call them hero-squares
The corner 1 is determines the first(left) mine, and then the 2 square determines the second mine.

Almost the same scenario, but we can also think of the 2 square having only 2 surrounding unrevealed squares.
Thus, both of them has to be mines!

3 square with 3 unrevealed squares.

4 square with 4 unrevealed squares.
Solve the Puzzle
Infer with Multiple Numbered Squares
Sometimes the information coming from one numbered square is not enough.
However, information within 2 or more contaguous squares can save us!
We start with examples on the border of the game, which diagonal dashs indicate the edge of the game.
Neither the yellow or orange is a hero-square, we find some other way.
The orange 1 tells us there is 1 mine in the left three squares, and yellow narrows it down to 1 mine in the left two squares.
Therefore, we know the third square to the left must be a safe(numbered) square.

Almost the same scenario, but yellow is a 2 now.
We now know that there are 2 mines within the three squares, but only 1 in the lower two squares.
Therefore, the distribution of the 2 mines should be: 1 in the top, 1 in the lower two squares.